Sep 2–8, 2024

Practices This Week, Race TWO Information, 9/3 Pizza Pick Up, Volunteer Expectations, 2024 Sponsors, Upload Your Team Photos

A few friendly reminders:


  • Indicate your availability on TeamSnap at least 24 hours before practice.

  • Show up at least 15 minutes early and be ready to ride at practice start!

  • Ensure your bike is ready to ride. Contact coach Tren or Andy before practice if you need help with a problem.

  • Check-in and check-out with a parking lot attendant.

PRACTICES THIS WEEK – Note Earlier 7:30 End Time:
Tuesday, Sep 3: 6:00-7:30 PM
Sunfish Lake:
Arrive by 5:45 pm.
Lot parents: All positions filled. Thank you, Houchins and McVeigh families, for volunteering!
Thursday, Sep 5: 6:00-7:30 PM
Battle Creek, St. Paul, MN
Arrive by 5:45 pm.
Lot parents: All positions filled. Thank you, Wrich and Juergens families, for volunteering!

*REMINDER: Fundraising Pizza Pick Up is Tuesday, Sep 3 between 4:30-5:30 pm
This is a friendly reminder that for those who sold pizzas, plan to pick up your pizzas on Tuesday, Sep 3rd between 4:30–5:30 pm at the new High School.
Click here to view a map of the pick-up location. Pizzas will be sorted by rider so you can easily grab your box. Thank you to all the families who participated in this year’s fundraising program!

Race TWO – Let’s Gooooo!

Date: Sat. Sep. 7 – Sun. Sep. 8, 2024
Lake Rebecca Park Reserve
9831 Rebecca Park Trail (Highway 50)
Rockford, MN 55373

Riders and coaches are responsible for their own raceplates. Do not forget to bring your raceplates.


Car parking is available on site at Lake Rebecca. Accessible parking spots are available with the proper permit in the singletrack trailhead parking lot.

White Bear Lake Team Pre-Ride Schedule:
Pre-ride groups meet at the start line at the designated pre-ride start time:
– Friday 4:30 PM - sunset 
– Saturday AM: 7:30am - 11am
– Saturday PM: after race to sunset
– Sunday: 7:00am - 8am

Race Day Food & Nutrition Volunteers Needed: Additional help is needed with organizing the race day food and beverages, specifically for the middle school races on Saturday. If you’ll be attending the Saturday races and could assist, please contact Kathy Wallek at or via Team Snap chat (under James Wallek).

Race Schedule:
Racers, be there a MINIMUM of 1 hour before your race time. However, you are strongly encouraged to attend both days and cheer on your teammates during their races as well. There is a reason why White Bear has a reputation for having the best team cheer squad in the league!!


Bring Your Reusable Water Bottle!

To be more environmentally friendly, we will not be providing disposable water bottles during race weekends. The team has purchased two 5-gallon water fill stations that can be used to refill your reusable water bottles. Please remember to bring your favorite water bottle with you to race weekends!

Volunteer Expectations for All Families

Volunteers are the cornerstone of our operations, guaranteeing smooth and safe experiences for our student-athletes. With 53 riders and over 20 coaches, it takes a collective effort from all families to support our team and maintain our high standards of organization and safety. Please take note of the following expectations we have set for each family to support our team this season.

1) Race Weekend Volunteers Needed

As we prepare for our second race this weekend, we ask for volunteers to help set-up, teardown, pre-ride, etc. If your child will be racing, please sign up for at least one volunteer assignment on either Saturday or Sunday.

Volunteer assignments have been added to TeamSnap. You can sign up in TeamSnap > Select the Race Day > Click on “My Assignments.” Assignments will be added to the app soon, so please check back. This is the same process as Lot Parent assignments outlined below. Open assignments include:
Saturday and Sunday:
– Trailer to event
- Tent Set-Up & Down
– Race photographer
– Mechanic
– Photographer

2) Lot Parent during Practices →

Expectation: 2 practices per season per family.

Volunteers needed next 3 weeks:
– Tues 9/3: filled
– Thurs 9/5: filled
– Tues 9/10: 1 volunteer needed
– Thurs 9/12: 2 volunteers needed
– Tues 9/17: 2 volunteers needed
– Thurs 9/19: 2 volunteers needed

To sign up for Lot Parent:

  1. Login to TeamSnap

  2. Select “Schedule”

  3. Tap into the desired practice date

  4. Select “My Assignments”

  5. If available, select “Attendance Sign Up” then select “Unassigned”

  6. Select your name

  7. Save!

3) Race Weekend League Volunteer →

Expectation: 4 volunteer hours per season per family with a student racing. This is new to the WBL team but a standard for others in the league.

Deadline: You can sign up in advance or on the day of each race. Note, if the volunteer assignments are not yet posted, please check back!

Learn more about race day volunteer positions and sign up here.

Thank You 2024 Sponsors

Thank you to our 2024 sponsors who have already committed to supporting our season. Sponsorship opportunities are available through September 5th. If you know of a local business that might be interested in supporting the team, please share this link for more information on our sponsorship packages.

2024 Silver Sponsors:

follow on social: Facebook  |  Instagram


Sep 9–15


Aug 26–Sep 1