Aug 26–Sep 1

Practices This Week with Earlier 7:30pm End Time, Race One Recap, Volunteer Expectations, Upload Your Photos!

A few friendly reminders:


  • Indicate your availability on TeamSnap at least 24 hours before practice.

  • Show up at least 15 minutes early and be ready to ride at practice start!

  • Ensure your bike is ready to ride. Contact coach Tren or Andy before practice if you need help with a problem.

  • Check-in and check-out with a parking lot attendant.

Tuesday, Aug 27: 6:00-7:30 PM
Sunfish Lake:
Arrive by 5:45 pm.
Lot parents: All volunteer times filled! Thank you to the Knutson and Eichinger families.
Thursday, Aug 29: 6:00-7:30 PM
Carver Lake Park
Arrive by 5:45 pm.
Lot parents: 1 volunteers are needed for lot parent duties. Thank you to the Dietz family for volunteering for one of the timeslots. Sign up via TeamSnap: Click on “Schedule” > Tap into Aug 29 Practice > Tap into “My Assignments” > Select “Sign Up”

Congrats Lake Brophy Racers!

Congratulations to the 37 riders who raced this past weekend. The White Bear Lake team showed incredible sportsmanship, comradery, and support the entire weekend.


You can view unofficial race results here during the race weekend: 
Official results will be posted on the MCA website once they have been validated.


Professional photos from the race will be available to purchase and download from MCA later this week. The photos will be linked at

2024 Race Series – White Bear Lake Mountain Bike Team

Volunteer Expectations for All Families

Volunteers are the cornerstone of our operations, guaranteeing smooth and safe experiences for our student-athletes. With 53 riders and over 20 coaches, it takes a collective effort from all families to support our team and maintain our high standards of organization and safety. Please take note of the following expectations we have set for each family to support our team this season. There will be other volunteer opportunities that will be communicated, but these two are the most pressing:

Lot Parent during Practices →

Expectation: 2 practices per season per family.

Volunteers needed next 3 weeks:
– Tues 8/27: filled
– Thurs 8/29: 1 volunteer needed
– Tues 9/3: 1 volunteer needed
– Thurs 9/5: 1 volunteer needed
– Tues 9/10: filled
– Thurs 9/12: filled

An essential volunteer role is that of the Lot Parent during practices. We ask each family to commit to serving as Lot Parent for 2 practices per season. It's a wonderful opportunity to get to know the team and connect with other parents/guardians while supporting our student-athletes.

To sign up for Lot Parent:

  1. Login to TeamSnap

  2. Select “Schedule”

  3. Tap into the desired practice date

  4. Select “My Assignments”

  5. If available, select “Attendance Sign Up” then select “Unassigned”

  6. Select your name

  7. Save!

3) Race Weekend League Volunteer →

Expectation: 4 volunteer hours per season per family with a student racing. This is new to the WBL team but a standard for others in the league.

Deadline: You can sign up in advance or on the day of each race. Note, if the volunteer assignments are not yet posted, please check back!

Learn more about race day volunteer positions and sign up here.

Upload Your Team Photos!

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Sep 2–8, 2024


Aug 19–25