October 9-17

State Races, End of the Year Banquet

  • Tuesday, October 10, 5:30-6:30 PM (Arrive by 5:15 PM, be ready to ride at 5:30 PM)

    • PRACTICE: Lake Elmo Park Preserve (Venue change!)
      Lot Parents: Bruhn and Barker Families. Thank you!

  • Thursday, October 12, 5:30-6:30 PM (Arrive by 5:15 PM, be ready to ride at 5:30 PM)

    • PRACTICE: Carver, Woodbury
      Lot Parents: Gray and Blankenship Families. Thank you!

  • Saturday, October 14-15

    • STATE CHAMPIONSHIPS, Mount Kato, Mankato MN

  • Tuesday, October 17

    • End of the Year Banquet: 6:30-9:30, Dellwood Country Club

State Championship Races: October 14-15

If you expect to be competing at State Championships, the days before State are a time to TAPER. This means workouts may be slightly less intense/numerous in the days before the race, to make sure you have fresh legs and your muscles have a chance to rebuild after being broken down in workouts.

As of Sunday night, no updated season results were posted that include this weekend’s races at Whitetail. This means you can continue to look for call ups/updates and participation at the link below, on the race page for Mankato.

As of Sunday night, no information was posted for pre-rides on the league page,
other than a 7:40 AM pre-ride close on Saturday AM, a 4:30 start on Saturday PM, and a 7:40 pre-ride close on Sunday. As soon as we know if/when there will be a Friday PM pre-ride, we’ll let you know!

Focus on nutrition, hydration and sleep. Treat yourself really well this week, and your race will show the results!

Mount Kato Ski Area
20461 State Hwy 66
Mankato, MN 56001

The top 100 riders from each race category will qualify to race at the State Championship based off the individual point standings after the final regular season race this weekend.

If a category is separated into division in the regular season (example: JV2, D2 Boys & JV2, D1 Boys), then each category/division combination will have its own qualification and race.

Riders must register for a minimum of two races in the series. Rain outs, if a rider is registered, count towards the two-race minimum. Riders who are unable to compete due to a documented medical condition are exempt.

There is no “roll down” for riders that do not race. There are no petitions/exceptions.

All seniors who do not otherwise qualify to race, will qualify to race in the Senior Open event. This will be a race that follows the same race distance as JV2, regardless of the category of the rider attending.

Separate men’s and women’s races will be held. Depending on field sizes, the Senior Open category may further be divided by division or other objective methods.


For the most complete, up to date info on races, ALWAYS see the MCA website race pages. They already have race information for each and every race this season that just gets more and more complete as race day arrives. Bookmark these pages and refer back to them often.

  1. What is a Call-Up, and how do I know what mine is? Beyond the race times for each age/skill group, there are “call-ups.” This is a number that indicates where you will be placed in the race line up. Call-ups will be posted on the MCA race website closer to race weekend. Link to race page below. This info will also be at our race tent.

  2. When do I arrive? If you can’t pre-ride, arrive at least one hour before your race begins. Of course, it’s always encouraged to come early and stay all day to cheer on your teammates!

  3. Where to I go once I arrive? We’ll share the location of our tent during practice as our race day gets closer. Otherwise, look for our our orange tents, or hit the information trailer near the entrance of the venue and ask them for our location.

  4. What do I bring as a spectator or racer? Handy guide from MCA here. Coaches will have your race plates, at least this first time.

  5. Race Plates are essential to race and preride. Don’t lose them. But if you do, registered racers can get them for a price at the race information trailer on race day.

  6. Will there be food? There will be snacks for racers, and there will also be concessions for racers and families.

  7. If the weather is bad the day of the race, how will I know it’s still on or timing is adjusted?

    1. Sign up here for race day weather updates: https://www.rainedout.net/team_page.php?a=e4566b6b5bb7b907ee2a

End of the Year Banquet

Please join us to celebrate the 2023 White Bear Lake Mountain Bike season!

Tuesday, October 17
6:30-9:30 PM

Dellwood Country Club
29 East Highway 96
Dellwood, MN


  1. August 26-27: Schindler’s Way, Austin (regular season)

  2. September 16-17: Xcel Energy Mountain Bike Park, Shakopee (regular season)

  3. September 23-24: Theo Wirth Regional Park, Minneapolis (regular season)

  4. September 30-October 1: Gamehaven Scout Camp, Rochester (regular season)

  5. October 14-15: Mt. Kato Ski Resort, Mankato (State Championship, qualification required)

SHARE YOUR PHOTOS: not just of the races, but also practices and events!


2024 Pre-Season Information!


October 2-8