Aug 12–18
Practices This Week, Team Photos, Booster Mtg, Race Day Volunteer Assignments, Volunteer Expectations, Share Your Photos
This week kicks off our fourth week of practices! A few friendly reminders:
Indicate your availability on TeamSnap at least 24 hours before practice.
Show up at least 15 minutes early and be ready to ride at practice start!
Ensure your bike is ready to ride. Contact coach Tren or Andy before practice if you need help with a problem.
Check-in and check-out with a parking lot attendant.
Tuesday, Aug 13: 6:00-8 PM
Sunfish Lake: Arrive by 5:45 pm.
Lot parents: all lot parent volunteer time slots are filled! Thank you Eichinger and Nicklason families!
Thursday, Aug 15: 6:00-8 PM
White Tail, River Falls, WI: Plan for extra drive time, arrive by 5:45 pm.
Lot parents: 2 volunteers are needed for lot parent duties. Ideal for families who are driving their rider to practice and staying for duration. Sign up via TeamSnap: Click on “Schedule” > Tap into Aug 15 Practice > Tap into “My Assignments” > Select “Sign Up”
Booster Meeting; Tuesday, Aug 13
There will be a Booster Club meeting held during practice on Tuesday, Aug 13th. Agenda items include: budget review, banquet planning, pizza fundraiser update, team community service project, planning for first race - volunteer assignments and food/nutrition. This meeting is open (and encouraged) for all familes.
Team Photos: Wed, August 14th
We have a confirmed date and location for team pictures:
Wednesday, August 14
6 PM
Location: Lakewood Hills Park (behind WBL YMCA) 2110 Orchard Lane, WBL, MN 55110
Jerseys: Please wear your jerseys. You do not need to bring your bike. Jerseys that were pre-ordered through Podiumwear arrived and were handed out at practice last week. If you need a jersey to wear, please contact Coach Tren and he will see if we have extra jerseys in your size to borrow!
Volunteer Expectations for All Families
Volunteers are the cornerstone of our operations, guaranteeing smooth and safe experiences for our student-athletes. With 53 riders and over 20 coaches, it takes a collective effort from all families to support our team and maintain our high standards of organization and safety. Please take note of the following expectations we have set for each family to support our team this season. There will be other volunteer opportunities that will be communicated, but these two are the most pressing:
1) Race Weekend Volunteers Needed
As we prepare for our first race on August 24–25, we ask for volunteers to help set-up, teardown, pre-ride, etc. If your child will be racing, please sign up for at least one volunteer assignment on either Saturday or Sunday.
Volunteer assignments have been added to TeamSnap. You can sign up in TeamSnap > Select the Race Day > Click on “My Assignments.” Assignments will be added to the app soon, so please check back. This is the same process as Lot Parent assignments outlined below. Assignments include:
- Tent Set-Up
– Race photographer
– Coach warm-ups / pre-ride
– Coach mechanic
– Drive trailer to race
2) Lot Parent during Practices →
Expectation: 2 practices per season per family.
Volunteers needed next 3 weeks:
– Tues 8/13: filled
– Thurs 8/15: 2 volunteers needed
– Tues 8/20: filled
– Thurs 8/22: 2 volunteers needed
– Tues 8/27: 1 volunteer needed
– Thurs 8/29: 1 volunteer needed
An essential volunteer role is that of the Lot Parent during practices. We ask each family to commit to serving as Lot Parent for 2 practices per season. It's a wonderful opportunity to get to know the team and connect with other parents/guardians while supporting our student-athletes.
To sign up for Lot Parent:
Login to TeamSnap
Select “Schedule”
Tap into the desired practice date
Select “My Assignments”
If available, select “Attendance Sign Up” then select “Unassigned”
Select your name
3) Race Weekend League Volunteer →
Expectation: 4 volunteer hours per season per family with a student racing. This is new to the WBL team but a standard for others in the league.
Deadline: You can sign up in advance or on the day of each race. Note, if the volunteer assignments are not yet posted, please check back!
Learn more about race day volunteer positions and sign up here.
Team Snap: Chat vs. Posts
If you are looking to sell a bike or equipment, or need bike recommendations, consider using the Post option in TeamSnap instead of the Chat. The Chat feature is designed for real-time messaging and team updates and is not searchable, which can make it difficult to find specific information about bike equipment or recommendations. The Post feature, on the other hand, is categorized by post topic, making it easier to find and manage communications that are relevant to your specific needs.
SHARE YOUR PHOTOS: not just of the races, but also practices and events!
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